Frequently asked questions

Questions for the members of Nourrir la vie

As a member of Nourrir la vie, you have full and free access to a range of resources on our platform, specially designed to meet your realities and needs.

Additionally, you can share your needs with us and ask questions to our team of nutritionists, lactation consultants, and social and community workers. You can also receive our newsletter to stay informed about new updates and upcoming events.

Your member profile allows you to personalize your preferences and areas of interest, making it easier to access relevant content. You can also favorite your preferred resources for quick and easy access to their latest version.

Members have access to:

  • Articles that help you understand the science behind the recommendations;
  • Case studies that provide guidance for supporting your clients facing various challenges;
  • Webinars, available live or on-demand;
  • Practical tools designed for your use or to share with your clients.
  • We also offer content accessible to everyone, such as simplified articles, news updates, and video clips.

Webinars are typically recorded and uploaded to the Nourrir la vie platform a few weeks after the live session. Members can access them by logging into their account and visiting the 'Webinars' section.

Our tools are divided into two categories: for you or for your clients.

The tools intended for your clients provide a summary of key messages on various topics in a visual and easy-to-read format. They are designed to be printed and handed out to clients or simply sent by email as a PDF document to enhance their knowledge on relevant topics.

The tools intended for you are summarized documents aimed at offering you guidance for supporting your clients or summarizing key concepts related to perinatal nutrition to enhance your own knowledge. They are designed to be easy to consult and printable.

The content on our platform is primarily reserved for members of Nourrir la vie. If you would like your colleagues to benefit from it, we encourage you to invite them to become members of Nourrir la vie as well. This ensures their access to the latest versions of the content and supports our program.

If you are considering using or sharing our content on a larger scale, feel free to reach out to us with your ideas. We are always eager to share our resources with as many people as possible!

I want to become am Alima client

  • Individual meetings with a nutritionist during pregnancy and after childbirth. A lactation consultant and a social worker are also involved.
  • Food assistance (Olo vouchers for milk, eggs, frozen vegetables; emergency food aid).
  • Prenatal and postnatal workshops offered virtually. 
  • Currently pregnant 

  • Live in the Greater Montreal

  • Experience a situation of vulnerability (economic, social, or other) 

Pregnant individuals without medical coverage, or those who do not speak French or English, can also register to Alima's services.

To register to our services, please complete our contact form. If you do not wish to sign up online, you can register by phone at the following number: (514) 937-5375.


Alima's services are offered at our center located in downtown Montreal and at our partner locations in Montreal-North, Saint-Laurent, and Bordeaux-Cartierville. For clients who have difficulty traveling or with mobility constraints, Alima offers virtual follow-ups. 

Alima's services typically start between the 16th and 20th week of pregnancy. The waiting time may vary depending on various factors. Alima will inform you of the waiting time at the time of your registration. Alima is committed to providing its program to clients until 4 months after childbirth. The client has the option to leave the program at any time. 

Alima's services start during pregnancy. For any questions regarding breastfeeding or your baby's nutrition, we recommend consulting your doctor, contacting your local CLSC, or calling 811 for assistance. We also encourage you to consult Nourri-Source Montreal, a community organization that supports breastfeeding. 

Alima offers a selection of items for pregnant women and babies. These items are exclusively reserved for Alima clients if available. The stock may vary depending on the period. Alima does not offer commercial infant formulas. For material assistance, we also recommend the 211 services. 

Client information at Alima is protected in compliance with the Personal Information Protection Act.

I am an Alima client

The waiting time depends on the number of weeks of pregnancy and the availability of our staff. To get information about the status of your file, please contact us at the following number: (514) 937-5375, ext. 202.