Our Team

Our Team

Team members

Our Members

Lorrance Fréchette-Doyon

Lorrance was first introduced to Alima through her doctor, who showed her the Nuturing Life project during her own perinatal experience. Already involved in perinatality, first as an older sister, then as a stepmother, and now as a mother herself, Alima’s focus on nuturing life resonated deeply with Lorrance. With a particular desire to use her voice to uplift women who are often less heard, Lorrance has been part of the team since 2019 as a Social and Community Worker. Her wish for Alima? “For Alima to be everywhere where pregnant women could benefit from its services” 

Catherine Vézina

Catherine made the choice to reconcile her values with her professional ambitions at a time when she was struggling to identify with the environment in which she was evolving. When she happened to attend a fund-raising dinner for Alima, she felt directly connected to the organization. Convinced of the urgent need to act in the face of social inequalities, Catherine joined the team in 2019 as a nutritionist, later becoming a project manager for Nurturing Life. Her wish for Alima: “that organizations like Alima be present throughout Quebec, to offer a safe space for anyone in need.”  

Stéphanie Tremblay

Stephanie's connection with Alima began when she crossed paths with her master's supervisor. Then, the organization's mission led her to question herself as a mom. Because, if becoming a parent implies challenges, it's even more so when faced with conditions of food insecurity. To combat this reality and take concrete action, Stéphanie joined the team in 2022 as a Programs and Social Impact Director. Her wish for Alima? “To benefit from recognition in Quebec and even internationally via scientific research, by continuing our efforts to demonstrate the impact of our intervention on vulnerable pregnant women and their babies.”  

Dina Salonina

While Dina was a student participating in a job shadowing program, a visit to Alima convinced her. After graduating, it was the first place she applied for a job. The incredible stories she hears every day from her clients confirm why she's part of the organization. Committed to helping mothers give birth to healthy babies, Dina has been part of the team since 2009 as a nutritionist. Her wish for Alima? “To gain notoriety and be better known and recognized as an organization, while retaining our identity and authenticity.” 

Ouardia Zeggane

Ouardia first learned about Alima a few years ago through a lecturer and a friend who was interning there. Having immigrated to Canada at the age of nine, she felt a personal connection to Alima's mission and a strong desire to improve the experiences of pregnant women in vulnerable situations. Driven by her commitment to engaging with ethnocultural diversity, particularly among immigrant women, Ouardia joined the team in 2018 as a nutritionist. Her hope for Alima is "to become a leading reference for a feminist and anti-racist approach to health." 

Suzanne Lepage

Suzanne first learned about Alima from her internship coordinator while finishing her bachelor's degree in nutrition. Fifteen years later, she's still with the organization, continually learning from the women she supports. Believing that clients are often at a point in their lives when they are open to making changes, she focuses on prevention and early intervention. Having come from an underprivileged background herself, Suzanne was inspired to make a difference for clients in vulnerable situations and joined the team in 2008 as a nutritionist. Her hope for Alima is "to have a presence throughout Quebec." 

Catherine Labelle

During her university studies, Catherine sought an organization to volunteer with and found Alima, where she fell in love with the organization's mission and values. It felt like the stars aligned. She transitioned from volunteer to intern, and in 2015, she officially joined the team as a nutritionist, driven by the ambition to make a meaningful difference in the lives of women in vulnerable situations. Catherine developed a real passion for a baby's first food—breast milk—and, in December 2023, became a certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Catherine believes that working alongside Alima’s resilient clientele helps her to grow as a person. Her hope for Alima is "to expand throughout Quebec and gain the recognition it deserves." 

Karen Medeiros

Karen discovered Alima over 25 years ago through an internship and has been with the organization ever since. She believes that the conditions of women in vulnerable situations can improve and wants to inspire hope for the future. Coming from an immigrant family herself, she knows that positive change is possible, and she believes in Alima's mission to make a difference. With the ambition of offering children a better future—helping them feel safe, grow up with love, and achieve success—Karen has been working with the team since 1997 as a nutritionist. Her hope for Alima is "to spread across Canada." 

Zoé Mekhoukh

A firm believer in feminist values, Zoé has had a longstanding dedication to community service, where she feels her efforts can truly make a difference. After an internship with another organization, she was drawn to Alima's mission and values. Committed to supporting vulnerable pregnant women, Zoé joined Alima in 2022 as a social and community worker. Her hope for Alima is "to have more employees, more Alima centers, and additional resources to help even more women in vulnerable situations." 

Catherine Royer

For Catherine, the combination of community values with personal interaction is therapeutic. She was drawn to Alima by a desire to promote inclusion through empathetic and open perinatal care, believing this approach adds significant value to a holistic vision of health. Committed to enhancing the accessibility of the organization’s services, Catherine has been a nutritionist at Alima since 2022. Her hope for Alima is "to gain widespread recognition and appreciation from the general public, extending beyond the community it currently serves." 

Selma Buckett

Selma believes that every woman wants to do her best for her baby, and with support and guidance, they can gain the confidence needed to achieve this. Upon arriving from the UK, and with 12 years of experience as a midwife in both hospital and community settings, she initially joined Alima as a volunteer. Then, convinced that her skills and knowledge could further enhance the care already being provided, Selma officially joined the team in 2003 as a perinatal and lactation consultant. Her wish for Alima? “That Alima becomes a center of expertise in perinatal social nutrition and a reference point for high-risk women.” 

Tammy Tran

For Tammy, contributing to initiatives that create positive change in people's lives is both a passion and a privilege. Initially a volunteer for the Nurturing Life Project, she joined the team in 2016 as Family Care Coordinator. The strength and resilience of the families she works with serve as a powerful reminder of her own parents' journey. Her hope for Alima: "For Alima to become the leading authority in perinatal social nutrition, fully engaged both locally and provincially in initiatives that foster a more just and inclusive society." 

Isabelle Dubé

Growing up with deaf parents, Isabelle witnessed their many challenges and developed a profound motivation to help vulnerable populations. With this desire, she joined the Alima team in 2016 as a nutritionist, merging her interest in perinatal care with her commitment to supporting relationships. Isabelle feels privileged to provide personalized support to women navigating complex and challenging situations. Her hope for Alima is "to become the leader in perinatal social nutrition and the definitive reference in Quebec, with the community foundation remaining the heart of the organization throughout time." 

Andréa McCarthy

Wanting every woman to feel confident in her role as a mom, Andréa has been part of the team since 2016 as a nutritionist. She is also passionate about the foods of diverse cultural communities and enjoys the new culinary discoveries her clients share with her. Andréa finds the strength and resilience of the women she supports through pregnancy inspiring, and deeply values the trust she builds with them. She finds the encounters with her clients help her grow as a nutritionist every day. Her hope for Alima is "that it continues to maintain its quality as a welcoming and comforting environment, almost like a home away from home." 

Maria Hiriart

With a Master's degree in Family Education, Maria has embodied Alima's strength since joining in 2022. Her passion for helping vulnerable individuals is felt through her behind-the-scenes support which makes a profound impact within the organization.  As an immigrant and a full-time mother, she has developed a special connection with Alima, which drives her efforts to ensure Alima shines. Her hope for Alima is to extend its reach throughout Quebec over the next 10 years. 

Julie Paquette

Julie’s first experience in community service was at the very beginning of her career. At that time, she was already working with women in vulnerable situations. This experience had a profound influence on her development. A nutritionist by training, holder of two master's degrees and mother of two, her career path has led her to work in a variety of sectors, but above all to become involved in several organizations. It was therefore a natural step for her to join Alima in 2021 as an Executive Director. Julie considers herself privileged to work within the Alima community, without whom the organization could not achieve its mission. Her wish for Alima? “That it continues to represent the perfect example of the essential role of community organizations in reducing social inequalities in health.”    

Fahd Rami

Fahd joined the Alima team in 2023, driven by a commitment to equal opportunity and a dream to combine his values with professional ambition. With a master's degree in political communication from the Paris Higher Institute of Communication, he spent several years exploring the philanthropic sector before moving to Canada in search of new challenges. His wish for Alima? “For the organization to become the leading reference in the field of food insecurity in marginalized populations”. 

Julie Delorme

Since joining Alima in 2023, Julie has been immediately attracted by the strong human dimension embodied by Alima. With a bachelor's and master's degree from the Université de Montréal, which enabled her to develop in-depth skills in nutrition, she found Alima an opportunity to integrate her personal values with her field of expertise: a unique opportunity to align her personal values with her scope of competence, combined with her keen interest in reducing social inequalities.  Her wish for Alima? That the organization gains credibility in the field of food safety, while retaining its characteristic warmth. 

Claude Bachand

Since 2024, Claude has been part of the Alima team, contributing to a mission that is particularly close to her heart. With her background in public health, she is passionate about reaching populations that are often hard to access, offering essential services tailored to the needs of each group, with a special focus on Indigenous populations. Her personal conviction and interest in public health perfectly align with Alima’s vision and goals. Her wish for Alima? That the organization continues to grow to reach everyone in need of its services, ensuring that no one is left behind. 

Merly Judith Montero Espitaleta

In 2023, Merly, driven by a deep passion for serving and supporting others, joined the team at Alima. As an industrial engineer specializing in industrial safety, she is motivated by a strong desire to make the world a safer and fairer place for everyone. Her journey as an international student in Canada has been marked by continuous learning and growth, including earning a DEP in computer support. Her hope for Alima is that the organization continues to embody this spirit of mutual aid and inclusion on an even larger scale. 

France Proulx

Alima's longest-serving member, France, joined the organization in 1981 as a nutritionist. Her extensive background in nutrition, developed through her studies and experience in Mérida, Mexico, has given her an extensive mastery of nutritional intervention methods. Her passion for psychology makes her particularly attuned to the psychosocial challenges faced by the women she has accompanied for decades. Her dearest wish is to contribute to the creation of a society that is not only fairer but also more caring toward children. 

Catherine Savard (collaborator)

Catherine has been a writer for the Nurturing Life Project since 2022. Currently a PhD student in nutrition with a focus on perinatal nutrition, she is passionate about research and communication. She aims to bridge the gap between research, practice, and the community. In a world saturated with misinformation, Nurturing Life allows her to fulfill her greatest wish: providing everyone with access to reliable and evidence-based information on perinatal nutrition. Her wish for Alima: to spread their expertise in perinatal social nutrition nationally and internationally and to inspire communities to contribute to their mission. 

Maxime Joly (collaborator)

For several years, Maxime has supported Alima's mission, first as a volunteer and then as an accountant starting in 2023. Deeply aware of the issues surrounding social inequities, he finds in Alima an organization committed to reducing gaps and supporting parents in need. His commitment is motivated by his own parenting experience and a deep appreciation for the resources that have been available to him, aware that not everyone has that chance. His wish for Alima? That the organization gains national recognition for its work on behalf of mothers in precarious situations and for raising public awareness of their reality

Our Board Members

Roxane Girard

Roxane is much more than a management, financing, and investment specialist; she embodies the very essence of expertise and passion in the cultural industries. With nearly three decades of experience under her belt, every working day is imbued with her love for her field. Her years in key positions at Telefilm Canada and the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC) have been a journey of challenge and success. A graduate in accounting and administration, her career path bears witness to her unwavering commitment to excellence. Today, she is President of Alima's Board of Directors.

Jocelyne Pinsonneault

As a senior executive in various companies, Jocelyne has acquired extensive experience in team and project management. She is recognized for her rigor and her results-oriented, humanitarian, and collaborative approach. With a bachelor's degree in nutrition and a master's in business administration, her areas of expertise are mainly strategy, marketing, communications, and innovation management. She currently holds the position of Vice-President on the Board of Directors of Alima.

Julie Turcotte

Having first completed studies in nutrition, various life and work experiences redirected Julie’s interest towards accounting. Now with a Montreal firm specializing in NPOs, she combines her interests in community service and accounting. Julie doesn't just work with numbers; she weaves together her passion for community service and her accounting expertise. Concerned with social justice and women's position in society, she is also pursuing a program in feminist studies. She acts as Treasurer on the Board of Directors and chairs the Finance Committee.

Johanne Côté

Johanne is a seasoned executive director with more than 20 years' experience as president and CEO of nonprofit organizations and professional groups. She is recognized for her mobilizing leadership and strategic vision. She excels in forging strategic alliances, planning, and developing projects focused on organizational issues and the clientele she serves. She currently holds the position of Secretary on Alima's Board of Directors.

Astrid Bicamumpaka Shema

Astrid is deeply involved in the socio-economic development of her community, notably through her over 10 years of service as an administrator on Alima's Board of Directors. Now a doctor, she completed a master's degree in health administration before entering medicine. Her ten years' experience in teaching and her desire to pass on her knowledge are still an important part of her daily life.

Gabrielle Marquis-Beaudoin

Gabrielle is a committed, rigorous, and dynamic lawyer. She works daily with some of the most vulnerable clients, giving her highly relevant experience with a clientele similar to Alima's. Currently a lawyer with Legal Aid of Montreal/Laval (civil, family, and housing law), she is motivated and determined to become actively involved with Alima, an organization that reflects her professional and personal values. She is currently a member of Alima's Board of Directors.

Isabelle Tremblay

Isabelle is a Director of Talent and Culture and an organizational psychologist. She is renowned for her dynamism, boundless curiosity, and drive for innovation. With a rich career in consulting, video games, and architecture, she excels in optimizing human resources departments and leading cultural transformations. As an essential member of management, her main mission is to support teams and organizations in achieving their objectives while maintaining harmonious performance.

Marie-Josée Côté

With a background in economics and political science, Marie-Josée has also completed a master's degree in public administration. She is Director of Regulations and Public Policy in the sustainable mobility sector. Her career is a vibrant testimony toof courage, empathy, and dedication. Every day, she infuses her work with an extra dose of passion because she knows that this is how real change happens. She interacts daily with leaders from the private, associative, academic, and government sectors. Marie-Josée has ten years' experience in public affairs and government relations and is a member of Alima's Board of Directors.

Mario Lalancette

Mario Lalancette has always worked in agri-food nutrition, with an emphasis on public health. For over 15 years, he was Head of Nutrition at Sobeys Québec. He is currently the General Manager of the Association québécoise de la distribution de fruits et légumes and of the Mouvement J'aime les fruits et légumes, a major education and awareness campaign on the importance of eating fruit and vegetables for pleasure and health. He also shares his knowledge as a health and agri-food expert with various organizations. Today, he is a member of Alima's Board of Directors.